Financial Accounting software is responsible for day to day
accounting transactions of the organization. Every transaction should
reflect effects upto the final output. Such transactions which are
considered very important should be treated uniquely.Every organization
may have multiple entities.Though every entity is treated alone, we
should follow the uniform grouping.By following uniform grouping,
entities cane be grouped together to get combined final outputs.
Grouping is considered as the crucial things. By the consultations with
Chartered Accountant, it should be finalized.
Speaks the language of the land
Whenever it comes to applicability of the software, the language always
has the advantage. So if is possible all the outputs should be
bilingual.i.e. should be available in both Regional Language and
English. For this Unicode is considered as the only best option we can
choose. When it comes to output, PDF output has all features which one
can expect.